Well, tonight I'm sitting on a lounge chair on the beach working on my blog. It is kind of difficult to concentrate as I listen to the sound of the gentle breaking of the waves against the white sands of Roatan Island, Honduras.
Let's see, now where was I? Oh yeah, working on my blog...

We started the day with church. All the meetings were in Spanish, so we didn't understand much, but we certainly felt the Spirit. As the members of the Branch stood to bear their testimonies, the Spirit was strong and bore witness to us of the truthfulness of this Gospel. It is the same in Roatan, Honduras as it is in Sandy, Utah.

During the Gospel Doctrine class, we had the benefit of a translator from a sweet sister in the Branch. The lesson was on the 12th chapter of 3rd Nephi, with the Savior's sermon on the beattiudes. She struggled looking for the right meaning in English for some of the Spanish phrases like "the pure in heart," and "meek." She would start to say the phrase and then Penny and I would help her complete it.

After church we drove around the island, taking in the sites and the beauty of a tropical paradise. It has been cloudy most of the day, but much better than yesterday, and tomorrow is suppose to be better than today. So we are looking forward to the coming week.

I have my first dive scheduled for 8:00 AM in the morning. So I'm looking forward to that. While I'm diving, Penny will do her walking, laying out by the pool and reading one of her three books she brought on the trip.

We miss you all already. As we drove around today, we would see little children that would remind us of our grandchildren. Because of the color of their skin on the island, we were reminded more of Caleb, Ammon and Kenya, than the other grandkids. :)
Talk you again tomorrow.
What are you doing taking pictures of people bearing there testimony in the chapel. Oh Daddy, That must have been cool to feel the spirit even though you didn't understand what they were saying. Well we love ya and are at your house eating all your food;) We love you guys!!
Sounds awesome. What a neat experience, reminds us of how small the world really is and what a increadible gospe we are apart ofl. You don't even need to know what is being said to be moved by others testimonies. We love you. Thanks for sharing.
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