Here it is Wednesday, and the weather was a little bit better today. As usually, we started off the day with breakfast, ordering french toast, the same thing we have ordered every morning since we arrived here, since the only choice we've had has been either pancakes or french toast.
Today was kind of interesting. The locals held a strike against the high price of electricity, closing all roads and shutting down the electricity, cable TV and Internet services. Things came back on just a little while ago. It really hurts the local economy when this happens, because the businesses suffer. A cruse ship was even in the harbor this morning ready to disembark their passengers, and when they found out that the strike was on, they pulled up anchors and left. The cruse traffic really brings a lot of money to the island.
Mom got a $50 massage from a local lady who approached her while Mom was laying out, and insisted that she give her one. (You know how Mom dislikes massages) This lady told Mom she had five kids to feed and lifted up her shirt to show Mom her stretch marks to prove it. Mom said no repeatedly, but the lady ignored her and and started working her body over. Finally Mom gave in and had a 30 minute massage. When the lady was done, she held out her hand and said "fifty dollars." Mom about dropped her jaw. But reluctantly paid her. The lady stopped by tonight to see if she needed another massage, or if I needed one. I think she is going to stalk us the rest of the trip.
I dove again today. Our first dive was a wreak dive. I think it was a sunken Spanish ship from the 1700's that was once loaded with gold bars. Needless to say, I got there a little late. But the dive was enjoyable.

Our second dive was through a cave. It was fun.

Love you all. Talk to you tomorrow.
Mom and Dad
Dad do you know a Max. He owns a dive shop there. The dive shop is located in a little area that also has cabins and a restraunt there. We talk to some one tonight that loves to dive there. He said that Max is a friend of his. It has been a family business for them. We love the story of the lady and the massage. Only because we know moms dislike of this. I can picture mom saying no so politely and totally being ignored. Mom you are a good sport!
Wow Mom, I am impressed. I am sorry that lady put you through that. It better have been a dang good massage for that much. Dad have you been doing more with your metal detector? We love you and are excited to hear about todays events.
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