To all of our children, "Mi casa es su casa." If you don't know what that means, ask Adam to translate.
We had a nice breakfast this morning of french toast, as we sat overlooking the beach and blue waters of Roatan.

First day of diving was okay... not spectacular, but okay. I did a wall dive and saw some stuff. I was the only diver signed up with Mayan Princess Divers, so I had personal, first-rate attention. I dove with Vera, the divemaster, a cute girl from The Czech Republic. We dove along a wall just off the south shore. It was interesting, while we were diving, it started raining so hard that we could hear the rain on the surface from 65 feet below.
Mom, competed with the rain today, trying to read her book in outside. She would go out to read and then it would start raining, so she would go back in again. This happened several times through out the day. She finally got a little sunshine.

Penny and I went for a walk tonight on the beach. It started to drizzle, and before we made it back to our room it was pouring and we got drenched.
We ended up eating a nice dinner in our room brought to us from room service.

Mom sends her love, her kisses and her hugs. She misses you all, especially her grandkids.
Well, not much else to report. Talk to you tomorrow.
Poor Mom, I hope she gets some sun on this trip. I love your scuba pictures. That is sad that you guys got all drenched. Hopefully you don't get sick. You need to check out our blog. We did a little tribute to you guys;) It is www.quinandtree.blogspot.com. We love you and hope you have a great day!!
Brad, will you please refrain from saying that you and Penny are "enjoying each other". I keep expecting to see inappropriate pictures posted. How about "enjoying your time together"? Just teasin' ya'll. Glad you're having a good time and hope the weather lets up for you. That is pretty cool about hearing the rain 65 feet down. Hey, will you post a picuture of cute Vera the Divemaster for me? Love you kids.
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