We awoke this morning to blue sky, with a few clouds, and a lot warmer weather. We saw the sun most of the day. We took strolls down the beach, laid out in the lounge chairs and just had a very relaxing day.

We saw a lot of women in bikinis, and just took in the sites.

We learned from a few of the "regulars" here that there were 45 people arrested, 8 hospitalized and several shot with the protesting here on the island. We haven't noticed anything here, other than we can't get from one side of the island to the other and our resort is operating on a backup generator.

We're hoping that we can make it to the airport on Saturday to catch our flight home. Everyone we have talked to has said that we should have no problem. We'll have to see.
We have to keep reminding ourselves that we are in Honduras, a third world country, and things are done differently. Kind of reminds me of Nepal and the riots I saw there a few years ago. Everything aside, we have always felt safe and never in danger.

Today, I did another wall dive. It was a drift dive, meaning that we dove down to a depth of around 50 feet, along side of a coral reef vertical wall and allowed the current to carry us along the wall. Dive lasted about an hour. It was a good dive.

We have talked to a lot of people here. For example, this is Evelyn, from Lousiana. She owns two condos here and had to tell us about everything she knows about everything.

We ended the day watching the sun set...the first time this week. It reminded us of how beautiful this place really is.

Until tomorrow... We love you all!

Mom and Dad
Mom you look like you have gotten a lot of sun in that picture with the sunset. I am glad that you finally had a day where it has been sunny. We miss you guys and love you!!
grandma i miss texting you at lunch every day :)
love your favorite grandaughter jestine
Brad, Brad, Brad....what are doing taking pictures of a fat lady's butt!!! That was nasty...did you ask her out that for an evening get together? Is there some special bond between you and her? I thought I saw her lost puppy stuck in one of her rolls...nasty! Keep your nasty girlfriends to yourself...blah!!! (I have the shivers now...)
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